Smithville Elementary
Dave Ragazzi Ken Berardis
Principal Assistant Principal
37 S. Old Port Republic Rd.• Galloway, NJ 08205
Phone: (609) 748-1250 • Fax: (609) 748-6566
S.U.R.F. your Way to Success!
GRADES: Pre-K to Grade 6
SCHOOL COLORS: Black and Gold
Regular Session Days 8:35 a.m. – 3:20 p.m.
Early Dismissal Days 8:35 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Smithville Elementary School will promote a safe and secure environment to educate all students through enriching educational programs. Staff, students, parents and community are committed to nurturing a positive and productive learning climate. Collectively, we will foster an awareness and respect for diversity among our students, which will develop successful, responsible citizens.
● Focus on academic excellence and increasing student achievement
● Establish high expectations and continually work toward fulfillment of these goals
● Learn and succeed in a safe, positive, creative and educationally sound environment
● Respect, encourage and support all members of our divers learning community
● Foster teamwork between home, school and community
● Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of all members
Smithville School’s S.U.R.F Program encourages our students to possess strong values and demonstrate good character. SURF stands for Self-Control, Understanding, Responsibility and Fairness. We remain committed to laying a solid foundation for character development by teaching the students’ right from wrong and by acting as positive role models. This S.U.R.F. program is in place to implement activities designed to communicate, promote, and recognize desired student behavior and performance.
Every Thursday your child will bring home important information for you to review in their Dolphin Folder. Please look for this folder every week for information about upcoming events, Parent/Teacher Conferences, homework, notes from teachers or administration, calendars, club sign ups and local events in Galloway.
STUDENT ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL: Since the school grounds are unsupervised until 8:35 a.m., students are not permitted on the playgrounds or in the building before this time. Parents/Guardians needing to leave their child/children off before 8:35 a.m. should contact Todd Loveland at 748-1250 ext.1029 to make arrangements through the Before School Child Care Program or register online at: Click the Child Care Program icon.
All students (parent/guardian drop-offs, bus riders, walkers and bike riders) must directly enter the building upon arrival and leave the grounds immediately at dismissal.
Parents/guardians driving students to school should drop them off using the front parking lot loop along the front sidewalk in front of gymnasium. This drop off loop is single file designated by cones. Do not enter the bus loop! When dropping children off within the parking lot loop, parents/guardians must pull up as far as possible to the designated sign, stop, unload and then proceed through the loop. Vehicles are not permitted to idle or park in this area.
Parents/guardians needing to assist their child or enter the building must use the visitor parking spots in the parking lot.
Parents/guardians should not exit their vehicles in the drop off area. This practice will better enable our duty teachers to focus their attention on student supervision. All students (walkers, drop off, and bus riders) must enter the building directly upon arrival.
Those planning to pick up their child/children from school must indicate this desire in advance by writing a note stating the days, dates, and duration of the request. Please also indicate which adults are permitted to pick up the child(ren). In emergency situations, please call the office as early as possible to communicate a change of plans. These notes and calls help insure that students go home the desired way. Upon arrival, no earlier than 3:10pm, please park in the front parking lot and proceed to the right of the gym and find the first set of double doors. Parents/Guardians will then be called by the staff member supervising parent pick-up to sign out their child(ren). For the safety of the children, adults may be asked to present proper identification. No child will be dismissed from the office from 3:00pm to 3:15pm.
Pick up must occur promptly at 3:15 p.m. and 1:25 p.m. on Early Dismissal days, since adult supervision is not available after school. The Child Care Program offers a convenient alternative for parents requiring a later pick up. Please be aware that any student who is not picked up in a timely manner will automatically be placed into After School Child Care at the parent’s expense of $60 per child ($68 on early dismissal days).
People cannot interfere with the loading of the school buses; therefore, parking and driving on the bus loop in front of the school is strictly prohibited during dismissal times. When driving near the school, all are reminded to proceed slowly and exercise extreme caution.
Students riding a bus are issued a pass for a specific bus and route. Students must only ride their regularly assigned bus. Requests for individuals to ride a different bus in an emergency circumstance must be made in advance by the parent/guardian to the Transportation Coordinator, Debbie Kauffman at Ext. 1004 in the District Office.
PLEASE BE ADVISED, REQUESTS WILL ONLY BE APPROVED by the District Office who will then notify our Smithville School Office with directions that day.
Permission is required before any child can walk unescorted by their parent/guardian to and from school. A permission form is available in the front office throughout the year. Walkers must agree to follow the rules commonly associated with pedestrian safety.
● Walkers must walk on sidewalks (where provided).
● Walkers should always cross at crosswalks and corners, never mid-block or between parked cars.
● Any student needing to cross Old Port Republic Road must do so using the crosswalk covered by the School Crossing Guard.
● Walkers should look both ways (left, right, and then left again) prior to crossing any street.
A teacher is stationed along the sidewalk in front of the school to supervise the arrival of walkers. At dismissal, walkers report to the front foyer, check in, and then continue with teacher who then escorts the children to the crossing guard for release.
Those wishing to meet their child(ren) should do so at a location along the sidewalk near the crossing guard.
Permission is needed before any student can ride his/her bicycle to and from school. In addition, the student must agree to follow rules of bicycle safety, including the wearing of helmet protection. A permission form is available in the front office. Only individuals with a form signed by both parent/guardian and student on file may ride a bike to/from school. A staff member will be assigned to check the arrival and dismissal of bike riders. Anyone wishing to alter their child’s bike riding status must provide the office with written notice before the change takes place.
Dialing 748-1250 allows one to access the district’s main menu. The front office at Smithville can be reached at Extensions 4600 and 4602 from this main menu.
Students in all grades are scheduled for a lunch and recess period:
The hot lunch program begins on Thursday, September 5th, with lunches, milk/juice, and snacks available for purchase. Students must scan their ID card when buying meals, milk, and/or snacks. Please be reminded that students can buy an individual snack for themselves but are not permitted to make purchases for others.
Monthly lunch menus are posted in all homerooms, sent home in Dolphin Folders and available online on our district website at
The district places an emphasis on providing nutritious lunches to students in order to prepare them to learn. However, should a child’s meal account reach a negative balance, meal choices will be limited. Children with negative meal account balances are also not permitted to purchase a snack.
Regular attendance and punctuality are essential for success in school and life. Frequent student absences from classroom learning experiences disrupt the continuity of the instructional process and limit the ability of the individual to successfully complete the prescribed curriculum. Students must be present in school for four (4) hours in order to receive credit for a full day. Students who are not in school for 4 hours due to a late arrival and/or early dismissal will not receive credit for the entire day. Parents/Guardians must notify the school of their child’s absence by calling 748-1250, and then enter extension #4600 or #4602. If the office is not contacted, an automated and/or live call will be made to a home, cell, or work number after 10:30 am to verify the absence. When a child returns to school after being absent, a note signed by the parent listing the date and reason for the absence is required. If a child is absent for three (3) or more consecutive days, a doctor’s note must be provided.
Students are expected to be present in homerooms at
8:50 a.m. each day. Individuals arriving after 8:50 a.m. are considered late and will be marked accordingly. Students reporting late must sign in at the office and obtain a pass before proceeding to their classroom.
Please notify the office when your child/children will be late.
Requests for an early student release from school should only be made when absolutely necessary. Parents are reminded that our instructional program continues until 3:15 p.m. A signed note indicating the time and reason for the early dismissal must be given to the homeroom teacher in the morning of the requested day. Please be reminded that students must be present in school for four (4) hours in order to receive credit for the entire day. Parents/guardians must enter the school and physically sign their child out from the office before 3:00pm. No child will be dismissed from the office from 3:00pm to 3:15pm. Your child(ren) will meet you at 3:15 pm at the Car Rider sign out in the Gym hallway. Thank you for your cooperation.
Guests must enter the building via the main entrance by ringing the bell to gain admittance.
Once inside the foyer, all guests must report to the office using the door to their immediate right. Access to the school is only available through office door. After signing the guest log, individuals will be provided with an I.D. sticker and directed to the appropriate area of the school.
Please be advised that for security purposes, movement into and out of the school will be monitored and recorded. Guests cannot visit any classroom or teacher without first reporting to the main office.
The procedure outlined above promotes the safety of our students and staff.
It is sometimes necessary for children to take or be administered medication at school. Students requiring medication must present a written order from the physician. Medicine must be delivered to school by an adult, not the child, in the original labeled pharmacy bottle. A medication form giving the nurse permission to administer medicine in school must also be completed, signed, and returned. Non-prescription medication can only be given if authorized in writing by a doctor.
The Smithville Family School Association makes many positive contributions to our students, staff and school. We encourage all parents and guardians to join and become actively involved in this worthwhile organization.
Please contact the school whenever there are questions or concerns. If you desire a conference, please arrange one by calling or writing a note to the appropriate teacher/administrator.
Regularly scheduled parent/teacher conferences will be held:
● October 16th (4-7 p.m.)
● October 24th (2-5 p.m.)
● December 4th (2-5 p.m.)
● February 26th (2-5 p.m.)
An email or letter addressing conferences will be sent home prior to the scheduled conference dates.
♦ Students are rested, groomed and dressed according to school code.
♦ Students avoid the use of harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.
♦ Students come to school prepared and ready to learn.
♦ Students cooperate and show respect in school.
♦ Students respond immediately and respectfully to staff directions.
♦ Students accept diversity and promote acceptance.
♦ Students accept the right of others to hold a different opinion.
♦ Students settle differences peacefully and find acceptable ways to solve problems.
♦ Students display good manners in school and at all events.
♦ Students use acceptable language when interacting with others.
♦ Students participate in the maintenance and cleanliness of the school building/grounds.
♦ Students recognize that learning is the main purpose of school.
♦ Students learn their job is to do their best.
♦ Students actively participate in instruction and make an honest effort to do all work.
♦ Students follow the classroom rules and routines of individual teachers.
♦ Students learn to listen and accept constructive criticism.
♦ Students accept the consequence of their actions and learn from their mistakes.
♦ Students attend school regularly adhering to the school’s attendance policy.
♦ Students use instructional time productively.
♦ Students arrive on time and leave promptly at dismissal.
♦ Students obey the Internet Acceptable Use Agreement.
♦ Students cooperate, contribute and share in the work of the group.
♦ Students accept and assume appropriate group roles.
♦ Students keep track of their assignments and grades, using adult assistance as needed.
♦ Students value the relationship between learning and everyday life.
♦ Students talk about their learning & academic progress with parents & school personnel.
♦ Students take information to their parents and return required responses to school.
♦ Students seek assistance from family, staff, and peers when solving problems.
Philosophy of Discipline
The administration and staff at Smithville Elementary are committed to providing a safe, welcoming, and supportive school environment that promotes learning and enhances student achievement. Students are expected to conduct themselves as responsible individuals by participating, cooperating, and showing respect for self, others and school property.
Students must accept the consequences of their actions and learn from their mistakes. All segments of the school community share the responsibility of assisting students with the development of the self-discipline that will enable them to function as responsible members of school and community.
Bully Busting Program
We remain committed to ensuring that all students feel safe and comfortable in school, thus we deliver instruction at all grade levels utilizing the state endorsed safety program, “Bully Proofing Your School”. With the Bully Proofing Program, bullying and aggressive behaviors do not have a place in our school and will not be tolerated.
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Harassment, intimidation and bullying are serious behaviors and will not be tolerated.
Everyone at Smithville is committed to expending the time and energy required to carry out the requirements of the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) law, and preventing any student from becoming a victim of an incident of HIB.
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) is defined as:
A staff member, student and/or parent, on behalf of his/her child, can submit a form to report an alleged incident of HIB.
Any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents, that…
Is reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation; gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability or by any other distinguishing characteristics that…
Takes place on school property, at any school sponsored function, or off school grounds that substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operations of the school or the rights of the other students and that…
A reasonable person should know that the act will have the effect of physically or emotionally harming a student or damaging the students property or placing a student in reasonable fear of physical or emotion harm to his person or damaging to his property and…
Creates a hostile educational environment for the student by interfering with a student’s education or by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the student.
Reported incidents will be promptly investigated and finding shared with the appropriate individuals.
Student Expectations and Recognition Program
As part of the school’s special focus on improving student behavior, a Student Expectations and Recognition Program has been established to promote and reward desired student conduct. This program emphasizes the teaching and rewarding of desired student behavior. The following initiatives are major components of our program: SURF Tickets, Students of the Month, Role Model of the Month, Principal’s Treasure Box, and Ice Cream Social.
Classroom Management
Individual teachers are expected to develop a classroom management system and handle their own student discipline. Unacceptable classroom behavior may result in the student receiving a teacher sanction, including verbal warning, written/verbal parent contact, teacher detention, parent conference, etc. When the teacher has exhausted his/her efforts or the situation has become one of a serious nature, e.g., defiance, fighting, theft, etc., the student will be referred to the Assistant Principal.
General Statement
Discipline decisions are rendered on the basis of the available evidence and investigative findings of the incident. The discipline process provides consideration for: the student’s intent, the severity of the offense, the repetitive behavior of the offender, and fairness in light of mitigating circumstances.
These rules apply to students as they travel to/from school, during school, and at school activities.
Disciplinary Procedures: (Range of Actions)
When a student is referred to the office for inappropriate behavior, the following disciplinary consequences may be imposed.
Parent Notification
Verbal and/or written communication is given to the parent explaining the misbehavior, listing the assigned consequence, and soliciting the parents’ assistance in preventing future incidents.
Parent Conference
The parent remains an integral part of the disciplinary process and the school’s efforts to change student behavior.
Parents may be required to visit the school in order to meet with school personnel and discuss their areas of concern.
Lunch Time Out
A student may be required to remain inside at lunch under staff supervision, thus forfeiting their free time.
Administrative Detention
An administrator may require a student to arrive early or stay late after school under adult supervision. Students must report to their detention prepared to do homework, read or study. Students who fail to serve an assigned detention will be subject to additional disciplinary action.
Sent Home Early
A student may be removed from school for the remainder of a day and sent home early with his/her parent.
In-School Suspension
A student may be removed from regular classes and assigned to an area to complete assignments from various classes under staff supervision.
External Suspension
External suspension involves excluding the student from school for a period of up to ten (10) days, unless a long term suspension is imposed by the Superintendent/Board of Education.
Compensation may be required in cases involving loss or damage.
Students are not eligible to participate in or attend any student extracurricular activities during the day(s) of their suspension.
Loss of Privileges
Students who chronically misbehave may lose certain school privileges, e.g.: attendance at special events.
Intervention & Referral Services (I & RS)
A student will be referred to Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS) for serious offenses and/or chronic misbehavior. This committee will review the situation and circumstances surrounding the referral and make recommendations regarding interventions and/or possible placement.
● Walk in single file and keep to the right
● Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
● Remain quiet
● Use the facility in an appropriate and respectful manner
● Sit and remain seated at your assigned table
● Stay seated until dismissed or granted teacher permission to move around
● Follow directions given by adults
● Walk at all times
● Talk in a soft voice
● Display courtesy and good manners
● Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
● No throwing food or other objects
● Clean up after yourself
● Place all trash into the proper can
● Follow teacher directions and use playground equipment safely
● Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself
● Do not leave the recess area without adult permission
● Play only in your designated recess area
● No physical behavior
● Obey and listen to the driver
● Sit properly and remain in your seat
● Keep your hands and feet off others
● Keep all body parts inside the window
● Talk in a quiet voice
● Walk on and off the bus
● Keep the bus clean
● No throwing objects
Child Care registration forms can be downloaded from our website
Fees: Per Child
The Child Care Program is approved by the Galloway Township Board of Education. However, the program operates as a self-funded program and receives no money from the school budget. In order to maintain the high quality of care we provide for the children attending the program, we must charge the following:
Yearly Registration:
Before School Program:
$6.00 per day
After School Program:
$10.00 per day
Early Dismissal Day Enrollment Fee
$18.00 per day
If you have not registered your child for the Before and After School Child Care Program, please stop by the District Office between the hours of 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday thru Friday.
To meet the needs of many parents, we will be offering the after school program on several early dismissal days this school year. You must be registered in the child care program in order to use the program on early dismissal days.
● Thursday, September 5th
● Wednesday, October 16th
● Thursday, October 24th
● Wednesday, November 27th
● Wednesday, December 4th
● Friday, December 20th
● Wednesday, January 22nd
● Wednesday, February 26th
● Wednesday, March 11th
● Friday March 27th
● Friday, May 1st
Any questions, please call TODD LOVELAND, 748-1250, ext. 1029
is our telephone/email communications system that dials out to all of our parents/guardians. Since we have started using this system, many calls of importance have been sent home. It is imperative that we have the correct primary phone number for each child (although this number may be your home, cell, or even work number – whichever you prefer) and also an email address so that we can email you pertinent information throughout the school year (i.e; monthly calendars, upcoming events, etc.)
In the case of inclement weather that causes schools to close, YOU WILL RECEIVE A PHONE CALL FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT ON EITHER THE NIGHT BEFORE OR THE MORNING THAT SCHOOL IS TO BE CLOSED. The district uses a communications tool called School Messenger that allows us to record one message and send it to every parent and staff members’ home on the day of the closing.
In addition to receiving a phone call, closing information is posted on the district homepage, it is tweeted, and if you call the main phone number (609-748-1250), the main recording will announce the closing as well.
You are encouraged to listen fully to any automated message from the school district.
In the case of inclement weather that causes schools to close, YOU WILL RECEIVE A PHONE CALL FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT ON EITHER THE NIGHT BEFORE OR THE MORNING THAT SCHOOL IS TO BE CLOSED. The district uses a communications tool called School Messenger that allows us to record one message and send it to every parent and staff members' home on the day of the closing. NOTE: It is VERY important that we have the proper contact information (email, phone numbers, etc.) for you - PLEASE contact your child's school right away if any of this information changes.
In addition to receiving a phone call, closing information is posted here:
● District homepage:
● Facebook:
● Twitter:
● Main district phone number: 609-748-1250, the main recording will announce the closing as well.
Please be advised that while it is difficult to coordinate bussing for the consortium (a group of schools in the area that all share the same bus company) - in the event of inclement weather the school district may use a two-hour delay. This means that: - If a student is transported by bus, the student should report to the bus stop two hours later than the usual time. - If a student is driven to school, walks, or rides a bike to school, the student should arrive two hours later than the usual time. - Child Care would also be delayed by the same two hours.- The school day would end at the normal time. You are encouraged to listen fully to any automated message from the school district
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