Welcome to Mr. Hughes’s 5th Grade Class!
I look forward to a wonderful year with all of you. Below is our schedule and list of specials.
Daily Schedule
8:35-9:05 Homeroom
9:05-9:45 Specials
9:45-10:25 Social Studies with Mrs. Ritchie
10:25-11:15 ELA
11:15-11:55 Science
11:55-12:25 Intervention
12:30-1:20 Lunch/Recess
1:20-2:10 Math
2:10-3:10 ELA
3:10- Dismissal
Day 1 Music
Day 2 Gym
Day 3 Library/World Language
Day 4 Art
Day 5 Gym
You have been given folders for each of your subjects. You will need a writer’s folder which you can pick out.
Trapper Keepers/Binders take up too much space, please do not use them. You will need pencils for class everyday.
Contact me:
Email: hughesj@gtps.k12.nj.us
Blog: http://hughesclassroomblog.blogspot.com/
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